Custom Filters And Tags Reference¶
Some of the features we use in pages and reports are ones we added rather than ones that came with the framework we're using, Django. In other cases we've overridden built-in filters to add more functionality.
Filters in Django are typically written as {{ value|filter }}
or {{ value|filter:"arg" }}
. In other words, the filter acts on the value and may or may not take an argument (arg
Template tags in Django are typically written as {% tag_name argument1 argument2 ... %}
, where tag_name
is followed by zero or more arguments which may be either optional or required.
Arithmetic Filters¶
Many of the filters in this section were designed to act on Query Report results. Our report results that return a single value are wrapped in a <span>
html tag. For example, a variable containing a report result would actually hold <span class="query-">555</span>
not '555.' While the HTML will render invisibly, built-in filters like add and subtract cannot handle a such a string. Many of our filters will strip away the HTML tag to pull out the report value.
More precisely, the filters extract the first occurrence of an integer or real number.
Note that this will extract numerals from your Query Report's Short Name if you are using the default query template, which will give you unexpected results!
For other situations when an input must be an integer, see strip_nondigits.
The filter add
returns the sum of the argument and the value. This overrides Django's built-in filter which works on integers only. This filter can extract a number from the value and argument and add both floats and integers, rounding results to two decimal places (for adding dollar amounts, for example).
For example:
if a is
<span class="query-">25.50</span>
and b is30
returns 55.25
See also:
The filter at_least
returns the value as long as it's greater than or equal to the argument.
For example:
if suggested_ask is
and value is250
{{ suggested_ask|at_least:250 }}returns 250.
The filter at_most
returns the value as long as it's less than or equal to the argument.
For example:
if suggested_ask is
and value is2800
{{ suggested_ask|at_most:2800 }}returns 2800.
The filter commify
renders a numeric value with commas as the thousands separator. This filter currently only works on integers, but like arithmetic filters above it will extract an integer from a string containing non-numeric characters.
The filter humanize_seconds
takes a numeric argument (as a string or an integer) of a number of seconds and converts it to a smart string of the form "X days, X hours, X minutes, X seconds" with an appropriate level of detail (no more than two units).
For example:
{{ 5982|humanize_seconds }} and {{ 200000|humanize_seconds }}return '1 hour, 39 minutes' and '2 days, 7 hours', respectively
The filter mod
returns the integer remainder of the value divided by the argument. Value and argument are coerced to be integers and this essentially exposes Python's %
operator to you.
For example:
returns 3
The filter multiply
returns the product of the value mutiplied by the argument.
For example:
{{ suggested_ask|multiply:"2" }}returns the user's suggested ask as defined on your page times two.
The filter divide
returns the quotient of the value divided by the argument.
For example:
{{ suggested_ask|divide:"2" }}returns the user's suggested ask as defined on your page, divided by two.
You can limit the number of decimal places displayed by a
by using Django's built-infloatformat
filter:{{ suggested_ask|divide:"2"|floatformat:2 }}
The filter number
returns the value as a float or integer if possible, or an empty string if the value is not a number. This can be useful when you want to ensure your values are numbers when doing comparisons, since making comparisons on text usually gives nonsense results.
For example:
{% with "23" as days %} days alone: {% if days < 366 %} Less than 366 {% else %} 366 or more {% endif %} days|number: {% if days|number < 366 %} Less than 366 {% else %} 366 or more {% endif %} {% endwith %}
In the first example, the text "23" is being compared to the number 366, which gives the nonsense answer "366 or more". Using the |number
filter in the second example gives the correct, expected result.
The filter percent_of
returns the value divided by the argument, formatted as a percentage with one decimal place.
For example:
If value is 72 and argument is 499
{{ value|percent_of:argument }}returns '14.4%'
See also:
The filter percent_of2
functions like percent_of but returns the percentage formatted to two decimal places.
See also:
Miscellaneous Filters¶
The filter chart_data
takes a list of numeric values and returns a comma-separated string for use in the Google charts some of our built-in Dashboard Reports use. If value has more or fewer than 12 elements, items are truncated from the left or zeroes are padded onto the right.
See also:
The filter chart_data_misc
takes a list of numeric values and returns a comma-separated string for use in the Google charts some of our built-in Dashboard Reports use.
The filter chart_labels
takes a list of numeric values and returns a pipe ('|') separated string for use in the Google charts some of our built-in Dashboard Reports use.
chart_spacing and chart_scale¶
These filters are used in the Google charts in some of our built-in Dashboard Reports. They act on the chart data in order to determine an appropriate y-axis scale and y-axis spacing for the chart.
The filter country_names
takes a string consisting of a two-letter ISO language code, for example 'en' or 'fr' or 'pl.' It returns a list of tuples, with tuples of the form (<english country name>
, <country name in the given language>
) for each country.
For example:
{{ 'fr'|country_names }}returns a list with elements such as (
u'Poland', u'Pologne'
Template filter which adds the given offset to a datetime value.
Supports all the parameters of dateutil.relativedelta.
dt = date(2016, 01, 19)
{{ dt|date_add:"months=1 days=3"|date:"Y-m-d" }} => "2016-02-22"
Note that plurals add (or subtract), while singular values replace:
dt = date(2016, 01, 19)
{{ dt|date_add:"month=6 day=23"|date:"Y-m-d" }} => "2016-06-23"
This can be used with ActionKit's right_now template tag (which creates a
variable), but not Django's built-in now template tag.
Using all these together, the first Thursday of the next month:
now = date(2016, 01, 19)
{% right_now %} {{ now|date_add:"months=1 day=1 weekday=3"|date:"l, Y-m-d" }} => "Thursday, 2016-02-04"
In a bulk mailing context, `` event.starts_at`` is a string not a date object. To use a date
or date_add
filter on events, use the variable event.obj.starts_at
, e.g. event.obj.starts_at|date_add:"hours=3"
The filter days_past
can be used in your dashboard reports to generate a list of timestamps for the last several days, the number of which is specified by the argument. The value supplied to the filter must be a Python datetime object. You can use this to build a table or Google chart of data by day.
For example:
if now holds and the present time is '2013-01-15 20:00:00',
{{ now|days_past:6 }}returns ['2012-01-10 00:00:00', '2012-01-11 00:00:00', '2012-01-12 00:00:00', '2013-01-13 00:00:00', '2013-01-14 00:00:00', '2013-01-15 00:00:00']
See also:
This filter takes an HTML string for its value and tries to convert relative URLs into absolute ones. Takes a True/False argument for whether to use SSL.
The filter month_ago
acts on a MySQL style datetime value and subtracts one month.
For example:
{{ '2012-06-01 15:15:30'|month_ago }}returns '2012-05-01 15:15:30'
See also:
The filter month_year
acts on a MySQL style datetime value to return a prettified Month Year string we can use in monthly reports.
For example,
{{ "2010-06-01 01:02:03"|month_year }}returns "June 2012".
The filter months_past
is used in the built-in progress report dashboards to generate a list of the last several months, the number of which is specified by the argument. The value supplied to the filter must be a Python datetime object. This can be used to build a table with a row of data for each month or to build a table for a Google chart.
For example:
if now holds and the present time is '2012-06-01 19:00:00',
{{ now|months_past:12 }}returns ['2011-07-01 00:00:00', '2011-08-01 00:00:00', '2011-09-01 00:00:00', '2011-10-01 00:00:00', '2011-11-01 00:00:00', '2011-12-01 00:00:00', '2012-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-02-01 00:00:00', '2012-03-01 00:00:00', '2012-04-01 00:00:00', '2012-05-01 00:00:00', '2012-06-01 00:00:00']
See also:
The filter months_pastyr
has been deprecated. Please see months_past.
The filter months_until
has a specific use in the built-in progress report dashboards. It acts on a Python datetime object that holds the current time, and returns a list that can be iterated over with an entry for each month in the calendar year up to now.
For example:
if now holds and the present time is '2012-06-01 19:00:00',
{{ now|months_until }}returns ['2012-01-01 00:00:00', '2012-02-01 00:00:00', '2012-03-01 00:00:00', '2012-04-01 00:00:00', '2012-05-01 00:00:00', '2012-06-01 00:00:00']
See also:
The filter weeks_past
can be used in your dashboard reports to generate a list of timestamps for the last several weeks, the number of which is specified by the argument. The value supplied to the filter must be a Python datetime object. You can use this to build a table or Google chart of data by week.
For example:
if now holds and the present time is '2013-01-15 20:00:00',
{{ now|weeks_past:6 }}returns ['2012-12-11 00:00:00', '2012-12-18 00:00:00', '2012-12-25 00:00:00', '2013-01-01 00:00:00', '2013-01-08 00:00:00', '2013-01-15 00:00:00']
See also:
Template Tags¶
Fundamental Template Tags¶
The include_tmpl
tag takes the content passed in a variable and compiles
and runs it as a Django template. For example, {% include_tmpl form.intro %}
treats the campaigner-specified intro content as a Django template. You can
also use it with page custom fields. For security, you should of course
only use include_tmpl
to include a campaigner-controlled template.
As of December 2017, the included template runs with
Django's auto-escaping
enabled, even if the context where it's included uses {% autoescape off %}
This makes it easier to avoid cross-site scripting issues: you no longer
have to know the context's autoescape setting to know how your included
template will be interpreted.
If this isn't the right behavior for a particular situation, you can use
Django's built-in |safe
filter in the template content you're including,
or, for rare use cases, pass an additional keyword to include_tmpl
force other behaviors:
{% include_tmpl var %} | Default: HTML-escape Django variables included by the template in var. HTML that's part of the template itself is passed through unmodified. |
{% include_tmpl var escaped %} | HTML-escape all content in var, including characters in the template itself. Useful for plain-text content (like tell-a-friend messages) in webpages. |
URL-encode all content in var. Useful for plain-text content in URLs. | |
{% include_tmpl var json %} | JSON-encode all content in var. |
{% include_tmpl var unescaped %} | Do not escape any content of var. You must wrap this tag in an escaping {% filter %}. Only useful in situations where you need to run some other filter before escaping. |
The tag using
allows you to avoid repeated references to a Python dictionary in a template or dashboard report. This is a block tag with syntax
{% using <dictionary> %} ... {% endusing %}
For example:
if the 'targets' variable holds a dictionary of Congressional information, write
{% using targets %} Call {{ title_last }} and tell {{ them }} that {{ they }} should vote no: {{ listing_html|safe }} {% endusing %}instead of:
Call {{ targets.title_last }} and tell {{ targets.them }} that {{ targets.they }} should vote no: {{ targets.listing_html|safe }}
DATA ONLY: A special Dashboard Report mode¶
Normally, a Dashboard Report will present a Query Report using the Query Template configured for the latter.
However, sometimes it is desirable to reformat an existing Query Report differently. Doing so in a
Dashboard Report may be accomplished by turning on data_only
{% report "colors_sold_by_day" with "1" as data_only %}
When invoked this way, instead of the rendered report being included in the page, the underlying data will be made accessible. This allows you to create a different template for your dashboard report without the need to create a new query template.
The query report data will be made available via a context variable with the same name as your report.
The report columns will be available via the key column_names
, and the data rows via rows
For example:
{% report "colors_sold_by_day" with "1" as data_only %}
My Report Columns: <br/>
{% for column in colors_sold_by_day.column_names %}
Column: {{ column }} <br/>
{% endfor %}
<h2>My Report Rows</h2>
{% for row in colors_sold_by_day.rows %}
<h3>Row #{{ forloop.counter }}:</h3>
{% for data_col in row %}
<li>{{ data_col }}</li>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Note that data_only
mode will work equally well with either report
or pivot_report
By using a {% with %}...{% endwith %}
block around your report
or pivot_report
tag, you can set
multiple report parameters at the same time, in an easy-to-read format. For example:
{% with data_mode=1 pivot_mode="average" pivot_heading="My Things" some_query_param="foo" another_report_param=3 %}
{% pivot_report "my_special_report" %}
{% for row in my_special_report.rows %}
{% endfor %}
{% endwith %}
Arithmetic Template Tags¶
The tag divide
performs floating point division, and takes three arguments: top
, bottom
, and precision
For example:
{% divide 72 499 2 %}
returns "0.14"
The tag save_sum
takes the sum of an arbitrary number of template variables and saves it to a new variable that you specify. The syntax is:
{% save_sum this that as those %}
If only one variable is specified, then save_sum
allows you to copy a variable.
The tag sign_difference
compares its two numeric arguments and returns a "-" string if and only if the first argument is less than the second. Otherwise it returns an empty string.
Miscellaneous Template Tags¶
The concatenate
tag allows you to to assemble several variables and bits of text and store the result in a new variable which is named at the end after as
You can optionally pass a separator
to include between each value.
For example, if the value of
is currently 42, the below would output foo 42 bar
{% concatenate "foo" "bar" separator=" " as quux %}
{{ quux }}
The tag localtime
formats a particular datetime value, say an updated_at column or {{ now }}
above, according to a particular format string or relative_time
which smartly picks a format from 1:30 am, Jan 31, or Jan 31 2009. For example:
{% localtime object.updated_at "m/j/y, P" %}
{% log_context %}
is a convenience template tag to be used when developing a mailing or page that uses context data. When included in your mailing or page, the current context is written to your browser's Developer Console as JSON upon rendering. Note that you must be logged into your ActionKit admin, and that for pages, it's necessary to use the templateset previewer.
Keep in mind {% log_context %}
is most useful when trying to determine what snippets are available to use on a page or mailing, and is not a key-value store of all of the data. Whenever you see a key with the value <type 'instancemethod'>
, that's a sign that you could use a snippet to generate data from that key.
For example, see this screenshot of a (partial) log output from using {% log_context %}
on a mailing.

But what is available from {{ donations.most_recent_recurring }}
? We can use this snippet in conjunction with .as_dict
to get a representation of that object as if it were a key/value store. For example, using {{ donations.most_recent_recurring.as_dict }}
{'status': u'active', 'card_num': u'4321', 'period': u'months', 'start':, 8, 1), 'amount': Decimal('5.45'), 'recurring_id': u'abcdefghi', 'exp_date': u'1220', u'id': 4}
Use the tag once
to wrap template code that will only be rendered one time.
In the below example, the "cool" text will only show up once, even if the list has multiple matching items:
{% for item in list %}
{% if item.is_cool %}
{% once %}
Here's one cool thing {{ }}
{% endonce %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
The tag record is
takes a specified value or variable and append it to a specified list. The list is created if necessary, and an optional argument reportresult
will tell the template tag to extract an integer result from an HTML tag. This tag can be used within a for
loop to build a series of report results at different points in time or for different pages.
For example:
{% record reportresult progress_users in series_users %}
appends the current value of {{ progress_users }}
to the list {{ series_users }}
, creating it if necessary.
Normally, variables stored by tags such as concatenate
or store
are not available outside of the current template block. This means that a variable stored in a block, or inside an included template, can not be accessed in other blocks or included templates.
The remember
tag allows a variable's value to be retrieved outside of the scope of the current template block.
For example, the below template will output the last value in the loop:
{% for val in values %}{% remember val as last_value %}{% endfor %}
{{ last_value }}
The tag required_parameter
is an information tag used in reports to indicate to ActionKit that a parameter is required from the user. For example, our built-in dashboard event_report
{% required_parameter "campaign_name" %}
ActionKit sees this and prompts the user to enter a value for campaign_name
. After using the above tag, the variable {campaign_name}
is available in the report (note the single braces).
For more information, see input parameters in the report .
The tag requires_value
takes one argument, and raises a Template Syntax Error if the value of the argument is not available or resolves to False. This is useful in mailing snippets.
For example,
{% requires_value targets.count %}
ensures that code involving targets will display in that email.
The tag right_now
creates the variable {{ now }}
that contains the Python datetime object
. You would include this once in your template as
{% right_now %}
before using filters like now|months_until
and now|months_past
Right_now also adds to context a variable {{ months_for_chart }}
that is necessary to create the x-axis for our month-by-month bar graph charts used in certain dashboards.
The tag select_index
takes a list
, an index
, and a variable name to save list[index]
For example:
{% select_index dogs 3 as dog %}
The store
tag allows you to to evaluate a block of template code and store the result in a new variable.
For example, if the value of
is currently 42, the below would output foo 42 bar
{% store as quux %}foo {{ }} bar{% endstore %}
{{ quux }}
{{ users_near_location }}
is available for use in query reports and returns the IDs of users in the specified radius around a zip code or U.S. city. It can be used like:
select first_name, last_name from core_user where{ users_near_location }.
The person running the report is prompted for a place and a radius. The place can be entered as a single zip code or a city and state, or a list of either separated by commas or semicolons. The radius is in miles and defaults to 20 miles if no value is entered.
When querying for U.S. users {{ zip_proximity }}
is a better template tag to get at this data. {{ users_near_location }}
is useful for querying users outside the U.S. or if a user profile doesn't contain a zip code. {{ users_near_location }}
won't scale to many thousands of users. So if querying around a large city, like New York or San Francisco, using {{ zip_proximity }}
will work better.
We added a sample report with {{ users_near_location }}
called phone_by_zip_radius so you can see how it works.
You can also use this tag plus parameters of place (required) and radius (optional) in this format: {{ users_near_location:place=90210,radius=50 }}
to retrieve the IDs of users within a specified radius of a zip code without prompting the staff user for place and radius. For example:
select first_name, last_name, city, type, phone
from core_user
join core_phone on( = core_phone.user_id)
where{{ users_near_location:place=60625,radius=20 }}